Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Obsession with Answers

He who answers before listening--
That is his folly and his shame.
Proverbs 18:13

Father, you have shown me that I am guilty of answering before listening. And this is foolishness and shame. I do this at work. Quick to supply a solution, I will cut people off, especially the VP, and finish their sentences for them, only to find that I had misunderstood what they were talking about. Lord, this is shameful and inconsiderate. Please forgive me for my keen awareness of my own knowledge base and my total lack of understanding of others’ expertise. I trust in myself way too much. And I disregard the abilities and knowledge of others. Please forgive me. And help me to remember this passage whenever someone is speaking. I need to listen. Listen and listen well. This applies to counseling, to conversations with Elizabeth, to discussions at work, and any interaction in which another human being is taking the energy and effort to string words together. Forgive me for ever being arrogant enough to think that the words coming out of their mouth do not deserve my utmost attention. Teach me patient understanding and a love for listening.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Lesser Than

He who mocks the poor shows contempt for their Maker;
Whoever gloats over disaster will not go unpunished. Proverbs 17:5

It's pretty clear, God, that my view of the guys bumming for change on Jackson directly correlate to my view of you. May the slightest hint of elite gloating, whether evidenced by a proud smirk or a "why-don't-you-just-go-get-a-job" thinking never accuse me of holding you in disdain.

Forgive me for those low moments when I have entertained silent amusement if not glee at the thought of disaster. Disaster towards political entities, people I just don't like, or general strangers who "deserved it."

General arrogance appears to be the root cause. Confound my wisdom with your own, and reveal to me my utter lack. Remove all possibility for the "better than" complex.

You are better than.